How To Rank Well On 4 Major Search Engine?

Friday, December 16, 2011

One of the questions often asked by readers and clients is how to optimize a site to meet  needs of algorithm to four major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask Jeeves? Despite the many changes that occur in the order of organic search engines over the past six months, but the way the operation of search engines remains the same.

This question is a reflection of new ideas and  webmaster who wants SEO  placement on a search engine can affect top rank in search engines. Usually the engineers to optimize site so that made ​​it into top rank in Google but failed on Yahoo, MSN and Ask. Alternatively they often sacrificing high rankings in Google for pursuing the best ranking in all three search engines. Differences in how search engines work all over the often confusing webmasters and search marketers, especially when determining how best optimization to get top rank in the results of four search engines. Techniques that might work in one of the search engines may not be useful in other search engines. In some cases, a good technique for the old school engines like MSN and Ask, and perhaps the most fresh, Yahoo, is death for Google.

There is one way that the site design search engine friendly and optimization philosophy that can work well. Content is good, smart networking and always consistent. Sites that have good construction and that has been optimized to perfection get in top rank in all major search engines. This proves that these sites have information useful and relevant. Although both share information, but there are many differences in the four search engine. Each major search engine uses unique spider agents known as Googlebot, Slurp (Yahoo / Inktomi), Teoma / and MSNbot who find information by following links from document to document across the web. Spider is designed to Revisit the site-based semi-regular although they are more likely to hit index or homepage) than any other page. Spider will dig deeper to find the change in internal documents based on changes in the index or homepage.

Any database search has a different character, and more importantly, each machine has its own algorithms for sorting and give the position a web document. The first step in SEO is to get information about that database. The site shall be constructed in such a way as to facilitate the process of reading and absorbing information and content available by the Spider. Success or failure of a multi-engine optimization campaign is determined by the methods and techniques used. Before starting to build a construction site, you should increase the knowledge about what off page SEO elements sought by search engines. Evaluate and examine key kontenadalah early to start.

On page SEO factors are usually found at one or four areas, Titles, Tags, Text and Structure. While off page SEO elements include links, locality, search-user behavior and performance of competing sites. Here's a thumbnail breakdown the important factors to be considered by each search engine.

Google: Incoming Links, On page SEO, Site Design Spiderability, User analytics, Outgoing links, Inclusion in other Google indexes, Document Histories

Yahoo: On page SEO, BackLinks and Link Patterns, Site Design, User analytics, Inclusion in other Yahoo indexes, Document Footprints

Bing: On page SEO, Site Design and Structure and Sipderability

Ask: On page SEO, Site Design, Site Structure and Spiderability.

Because Google controls more than 50% of traffic on search engines, so SEO experts, webmasters and search advertisers more focused on the search engines creations Larry Page and Sergey Brin this.

There are a few tips that can be used. The new website should always introduces himself to  search engines by focusing on content. Constantly adding new content over time is the best way to feed the search spiders than to give them a site that is full of information. Search engines, especially Yahoo and Google, greatly appreciate the fresh content (new) and they can come repeatedly to the site every new material is added. In the end, a good SEO training will be rewarded a respectable position in  four search engines. Website is good and quality documents will be able to be placed on the search engine at the same time. Have you practiced?


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